Oase Lake Therapy

Breakthrough solutions for balanced, healthy and beautiful water bodies.

Oase Professional offers award-winning, innovative lake and pond solutions to give you the most value for your dollar. Our proprietary formulations are engineered in Germany to the highest of standards in the industry and are now available in North America after decades of success in Europe. We use nature to our advantage, leaving nothing behind but beautiful, healthy water.
The solution to your nutrient and water quality issues.
50 lbs of SeDox binds 1 lb of phosphate by driving the natural formation of apatite, eliminating it as a nutrient source. In addition, it releases oxygen into the water body and helps to balance pH. Unlike other phosphate locking technologies, Sedox leaves no residues or inert materials behind.
The solution to your organic sediment and related phosphate issues.
SchlixX is an industry game-changer as it promotes the digestion of organic sediment by releasing oxygen, permanently binds phosphorus and buffers pH all with a single application. For a premium offering that includes a proprietary strain of bacteria to supercharge the sludge reduction process, consider our pharmaceutical grade SchlixX Plus.
An advanced solution to your organic sediment and related phosphate issues.
SchlixX Plus takes our game changing SchlixX technology, with its multitude of benefits, and combines it with a pharmaceutical grade beneficial bacteria to enhance water quality and accelerate sediment digestion. It helps control foul odors and greatly reduces the need for disruptive and costly dredging.

An industry game changer – The solution to your organic sediment and related phosphate issues.

SchlixX Plus is a game changer for golf courses, as it promotes the digestion of organic sediment by releasing oxygen, binds phosphorus and buffers pH all with a single application. Avoid foul odors, disruptive dredging and keep your courses open, all while reducing man hours and long-term material costs compared to traditional methods.
The solution to your pH Stabilization issues.
Desired level pH levels are needed to create optimal conditions for plants and fish. As a simpler alternative to liming, an annual OptiLake treatment improves the biodiversity of aquatic organisms that contribute to a healthy lake environment. OptiLake also reduces the formation of ammonia and toxic side effects.
The solution to your water quality issues.
Our 8lb Block offers ongoing bacterial maintenance and is designed to provide time released addition of beneficial bacteria to you body of water. It will help maintain proper balance by improving dissolved oxygen levels, reducing ammonia and nitrate levels, as well as noxious odors. One 8lb Block treats 8 acre-feet.
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